Who We Work With
Private providers
Once a pharmacy opportunity is identified for a development, our experienced team liaises with both local and national operators before undertaking a transparent, informed tender process. With expertise from our private sector partner, Prime, we have access to an experienced pharmacy team that understands your requirements. This ensures all pharmacy units have optimum positioning within each medical centre, with an internal link to the main building wherever possible.
Private health providers
Prima 200 has extensive knowledge of local healthcare infrastructure and can work with a range of private providers, offering consultancy as well as development services. With access to our specialist supply chain we can offer tailored funding and investment solutions to respond to the specific risk profile and needs of private healthcare operators.

Third sector and other providers
Working with third sector organisations and social enterprises, we can identify accommodation opportunities within both the LIFT portfolio and the wider NHS estate. As well as consultancy and development services, our experienced team can provide advice on maximising tax and grant opportunities and offer access to funding.
Social landlords, extra care and elderly care
Facilities for older people that facilitate independent living, an active life and dignity are in growing demand. The flexibility in the LIFT model allows us to partner with public, private and third sector organisations acting as a developer and/or an investor. Our funding expertise also enables us to tailor financial packages to meet differing needs, from merging funding streams to mixed tenure ownership models.

NHS Prop Cos
NHS Property Services
Working closely with NHS Property Services (NHS PS), Prima 200 can help support with the ongoing development of their estate – from the delivery of high quality premises to minor capital works, e.g. refurbishments and maintenance.
Community Health Partnerships
Community Health Partnerships (CHP) is owned by the Department of Health and has a 40 per cent shareholding in Prima 200.
As head tenant for our LIFT schemes, we work closely with CHP’s property team to provide a high quality, efficient and well maintained estate. Sharing experience, knowledge and best practice, we’re identifying and delivering new solutions to benefit the overall local health estate, deliver QIPP savings and improve the utilisation of existing LIFT space.

Local Authority
Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council and Staffordshire County Council can choose to work with Prima 200 and there is a pre-tendered fast track to doing this. Councils choosing to integrate health and social care aspects into community facilities will find this particularly attractive as a means of using specialist expertise and private funding to deliver developments more quickly and with less procurement risk and cost.
As well as health and wellbeing buildings, an array of other valuable community based facilities has already been procured through LIFT across the UK. These include facilities for social care, elderly care, training, nursery, retail, benefits and advice, libraries, social enterprise offices and leisure including a swimming pool.
Whether accessing services, refurbishing existing premises or developing new facilities, councils using LIFT benefit from working with local companies via a readymade solution enabling them to meet urgent needs as well as deliver against longer term strategic objectives. They can more easily link up with strategic projects in their area and share procurement cost and resource on projects which already have momentum.

GP surgeries and primary care provision
As practices grow and develop, GPs and Practice Managers need to understand how, and if, their premises can respond. Prima 200’s team of healthcare, property and design professionals work with practices to explore their options and quickly translate practice requirements into an individual solution to suit clinical and business aims. Whether the right answer is refurbishment, extension, greater utilisation, rationalisation – or a new building – with our range of ownership and funding options all the choices rest with the practice.

NHS Trusts
Providers face a challenging and competitive environment and FTs and aspirant FTs need to maximise the efficiency and quality of their estate to support high standards of service and secure a robust financial position. In respect of aspirant FTs, Prima 200 understands the requirements of an Integrated Business Plan and how to support trusts in maximising the value of their estate to meet their clinical aims as well as quality and financial targets. In relation to FTs, Prima 200 offers a ready-made solution for a wide variety of estate requirements.